About ME
Hello, my name is Jen. I'm a Christian, mama, wife, sister, friend, fitness, outdoor and animal lover! I lift heavy, love Jesus and am thankful for every single day!
This is what I call my second calling in my professional life. For nearly 17yrs I was a Certified Vet Tech. So how did I get to this point in my life? I'll make it short and sweet. ;)
Flash back about 25 years, I was severely obese, getting dangerously close to 275#+. I decided it was time for change. I lost nearly 120# at 15/16 yrs old. So from then on I was into health and fitness on and off, more on though. Struggled with depression making good eating habits hard to maintain.
Flash forward to about 6 years ago. I became pregnant with our 2nd angel. At that point I decided that after having her I would get into the best shape of my life. Within 6 months post 2nd C-section I had lost all my "baby weight" plus some. I kept pushing, got into the best shape of my life. My path since then has been one of continual growth and setting new goals, getting better than I was, stronger, healthier and happier.
About 2.5/3 years ago I was struggling at a cross roads....do I continue to be a CVT with my hours, schedule, etc dictated to me with very non-family friendly hours OR do I take this passion for fitness and helping others and make it my new profession. It took me nearly an entire year to decide to take a new path. In Nov of 2015 I took and passed my Certification exam through NASM (National Association of Sports Medicine) and became a Certified Personal Trainer. A month later I was hired at Anytime Fitness. A few months later I passed my exam in Fitness Nutrition Specialization.
I had been at Anytime Fitness for nearly 2 years when I decided it was time to chase a dream and take a chance. That is when I developed Phoenix Rising Health and FITNESS.